In the meantime, it's possible to read about deeds of arms in the series. I just got my royalty statement for last year (thank you, readers), and I found it surprising that though many people have bought The Combat of the Thirty, only a few have bought Royal Jousts at the End of the Fourteenth Century. It’s comparable in interest, for students of chivalry, to the book on the Thirty, and it includes a chivalric festival as famous as the Thirty, the joust at St. Inglevert.
Those of you who want to know what knights of the late 14th century thought was cool, this is a book you should have. Like all the productions of Freelance Academy Press, it’s very pretty. When you finish this volume, you will be ready and anxious to read Charny’s Men at Arms.
Ps. If you don't have any of the series, FAP has a great sale price for all three.
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